Thomas Stiller

Thomas Stiller is a German director and screenwriter
Schauspiel- und Regieausbilding | Herbert Berghoff Studio, New York
2012 | Publikumspreis des Deutschen Fernsehkrimis |Tatort: Der traurige König
2010 | Jupiter | Zwölf Winter
2007 | Adolf-Grimme-Preis | Unter dem Eis
In 2000 Stiller was nominated for the renowned Adolf Grimme Price regarding his psycho-thriller  Stille Nacht – Heilige Nacht, that had premiered the preceding year. Additionally, the production was presented at the film festival in munich the same year. The screen play was also the model for an audioplay produced by the SWR.
The same year Stiller directed The Great Grandson of the Man Who Drank a Cow, a musical film about Japanese jazz musician and trumpet player Toshinori Kondō.
Since 2003 he has also been directing movie trailers for the Oldenburg international film festival. Apart from multiple made-for-TV-movies like Der gestohlene Mond (2002) starring Birol Ünel and Dietmar Bär, movie productions such as Der Junge ohne Eigenschaften (2006) starring Marek Harloff and Lisa Martinek, Stiller was also responsible for multiple episodes of TV-shows like Tatort, Unschuldig, Peter Strohm and Wolffs Revier, as director and writer. One of his career highlights was his screenplay Unter dem Eis, a family-psychodrama that won the Adolf-Grimme-Price category “Fiction” in 2007. In 2008 Stiller directed Zwölf Winter, a made-for-TV-movie, that received Adolf-Grimme-Price and Deutscher Fernsehkrimipreis nominations  and won the Jupiter award.



2018 | Angst in meinem Kopf | TV-Film | NDR | Thomas Stiller | Filmpool Fiction GmbH
2017 | Tatort - Bombengeschäft | TV-Film (Reihe) | WDR | Thomas Stiller | Bavaria Fiction GmbH...
2017 | Die Haut der Anderen | Kinospielfilm | Thomas Stiller | Lopta Film GmbH
2015 | Gottlos - Warum Menschen töten | TV-Serie | RTL II | Thomas Stiller |Bavaria Fiction GmbH...
2014 | Tatort - Frohe Ostern, Falke | TV-Film (Reihe) | Degeto |Thomas Stiller | Cinecentrum Berlin F...
2013 | Polizeiruf 110 - Liebeswahn | TV-Film (Reihe) | NDR | Thomas Stiller Filmpool Fiction Gmb...
2012 | Tatort - Macht und Ohnmacht | TV-Film (Reihe) | BR | Thomas Stiller X Filme Creative Poo...
2012 | 19. Internationales Filmfest Oldenburg Trailer |Thomas Stiller T'n'T Eventures
2011 | Tatort - Der traurige König | TV-Film (Reihe), BR Thomas Stiller Bavaria Fiction GmbH...
2009 | 16. Internationales Filmfest Oldenburg | Trailer | Thomas Stiller | T'n'T Eventures
2009 | Genug ist nicht genug TV-Film, | BR | Thomas Stiller | TeamWorx Television
2009| Sie hat es verdient | TV-Film | ARD,BR |Thomas Stiller | TeamWorx Television ...
2008 12 Winter TV-Film, ARD Thomas Stiller 20:15 Film- und Fern...
2007 14. Internationales Filmfest O... Trailer Thomas Stiller T'n'T Eventures
2007 Unschuldig?! TV-Serie, ProSiebe... Thomas Stiller teamWorx Television ...
2006 Tatort - Die Blume des Bösen TV-Film (Reihe), WDR Thomas Stiller Colonia Media Filmpr...
2006 Die Gerichtsmedizinerin TV-Serie, RTL Thomas Stiller Studio Hamburg FilmP...
2005 Der Junge ohne Eigenschaften Kinospielfilm Thomas Stiller Aurora Film & TV Gmb...
2005 12. Internationales Filmfest O... Trailer Thomas Stiller T'n'T Eventures
2003 10. Internationales Filmfest O... Trailer Thomas Stiller T'n'T Eventures